11 Apr - 2019

A follow-up publication to the Robocar and Urban Space Evolution Symposium has just been published on BK Books, the open access press of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment from Delft University of Technology. It is available for download and for purchase as a hard copy. It summarises the ideas put forward in the symposium and further reflections in a collection of short texts.

The volume, edited by Rients Dijkstra, Anca Ioana Ionescu, and Víctor Muñoz Sanz, includes contributions from: David Hamers and its team from PBL, Dominic Stead, Rients Dijkstra and Anca Ioana Ionescu,Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Nico Larco and Mathias Mitteregger and Emilia Bruck (on behalf of the Avenue21 group).

Automated mobility is very likely to happen and significantly change cities just like cars did. In the light of this scenario, the symposium and the publication aimed to contribute to a more inclusive debate, by looking at automated mobility beyond the market-oriented discourse, in the context of sustainability, and the future of urban planning and design. We stretched the debate beyond projects about autonomous cars and beyond the profession of urbanism, to projects and disciplines, for which autonomous mobility can open up new perspectives in terms of development, sustainability and resilience of the urban space.



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